Chapter 2: The Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians
The day of the Lord is not to come till the man of sin be revealed. The apostle's traditions are to be observed.
ND we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and of our gathering together unto him:
That you be not easily moved from your sense nor be terrified, neither by spirit nor by word nor by epistle. as sent from us, as if the day of the Lord were at hand.
Let no man deceive you by any means: for unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition
Who opposeth and is lifted up above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God.
Remember you not that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
And now you know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time.
For the mystery of iniquity already worketh: only that he who now holdeth do hold, until he be taken out of the way.
And then that wicked one shall be revealed: whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: him
Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power and signs and lying wonders:
And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish: because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying:
That all may be judged who have not believed the truth but have consented to iniquity.
But we ought to give thanks to God always for you, brethren, beloved of God, for that God hath chosen you firstfruits unto salvation, in sanctification of the spirit and faith of the truth:
Whereunto also he hath called you by our gospel, unto the purchasing of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, brethren, stand fast: and hold the traditions, which you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle.
Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God and our Father, who hath loved us and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope in grace,
Exhort your hearts and confirm you in every good work and word.
CHAP. 2 VER. 3. A REVOLT. This revolt, or falling off, is generally understood, by the ancient fathers, of a revolt from the Roman empire, which was first to be destroyed, before the coming of Antichrist. It may, perhaps, be understood also of a revolt of many nations from the Catholic Church; which has, in part, happened already, by means of Mahomet, Luther, &c., and it may be supposed, will be more general in the days of the Antichrist. The man of sin. Here must be meant some particular man, as is evident from the frequent repetition of the Greek article: o`, 'the' man of sin, 'the' son of perdition,....
...'the' adversary or opposer. It agrees to the wicked and great Antichrist, who will come before the end of the world.
VER. 4. IN THE TEMPLE. Either that of Jerusalem which some think he will rebuild; or in some Christian church, which he will pervert to his own worship: as Mahomet has done by the churches of the east.
VER. 10. GOD SHALL SEND. That is God shall suffer them to be deceived by lying wonders, and false miracles, in punishment of their not entertaining the love of truth.
VER. 14. TRADITIONS. See here that the unwritten traditions are no less to be received than their epistles.
CHAP. 2 VER. 3. A REVOLT. This revolt, or falling off, is generally understood, by the ancient fathers, of a revolt from the Roman empire, which was first to be destroyed, before the coming of Antichrist. It may, perhaps, be understood also of a revolt of many nations from the Catholic Church; which has, in part, happened already, by means of Mahomet, Luther, &c., and it may be supposed, will be more general in the days of the Antichrist. The man of sin. Here must be meant some particular man, as is evident from the frequent repetition of the Greek article: o`, 'the' man of sin, 'the' son of perdition, 'the' adversary or opposer. It agrees to the wicked and great Antichrist, who will come before the end of the world.
VER. 4. IN THE TEMPLE. Either that of Jerusalem which some think he will rebuild; or in some Christian church, which he will pervert to his own worship: as Mahomet has done by the churches of the east.
VER. 10. GOD SHALL SEND. That is God shall suffer them to be deceived by lying wonders, and false miracles, in punishment of their not entertaining the love of truth.
VER. 14. TRADITIONS. See here that the unwritten traditions are no less to be received than their epistles.